Screening Block #4
Duluth, Minnesota 55802
United States

Each screening block contains 2 hours of programming that includes an episode of individual web series and up to 15 minutes of each podcast. Each podcast has a visual on screen and is programmed between two web series.

Dating Unlocked S2
In each episode, our lead dater selects someone they’d like to continue the romance with – by choosing between three prospective dates. To assist these love seekers in creating a connection with the lead dater, each episode involves games, activities and intimate moments tailored to showcase their personalities and interests. After weighing their options, the lead dater extends a secret invite for a second date. Will the chosen person unlock those fuzzy, flirty feelings and show up or leave them alone behind the door?
There is only one way to find out!


Das Vadanya
Read the rest here:

The TMI Project Story Hour: Tina the Tampon Lady
The TMI Project Story Hour launched in April of 2020. Since then, the podcast has appeared twice on Apple’s New & Noteworthy and has been featured on Spotify and Pandora. In 2023, The TMI Project Story Hour was given the highest honor at International Women’s Podcast Awards, taking home the award for Changing the World One Moment at a Time; and received recognition at Sonic Bloom Awards for Gender Justice and Voice of the People.

abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast | Isabel & the Allentown Mafia